Case 6

Clinical Case

A 27 year old female self-presents to the emergency department with a 4 hour history of lower abdominal pain. She complains of sudden onset severe left iliac fossa pain which began while she was at work and has been associated with 3 episodes of vomiting. She has no other associated symptoms. She has no past medical history. On arrival her vitals are;

HR - 93bpm O2 sats 99% on RA

RR - 18 BP 138/91mmHg

Temp - 37 C


Question 1

What are the potential differential diagnoses in this case?

Question 2

You care concerned the patient has an ovarian torsion - What symptoms and signs might guide you towards this diagnosis?

Question 3

What investigations would you order?

Question 4

What is the ED management and disposition of this patient?