Helpful resources
Below are links to a selection of resources which may be helpful in dealing with challenging situations, particularly out of hours where some support services and sources of advice may not be immediately available
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is common, more common that you can imagine. The time spent in the emergency department may be the only time these people might have away from their abusive environment to seek help
Click on the image above for more information on how to recognise domestic violence and what to do if a person makes a disclosure to you.
Inclusion Health
Inclusion Health is an innovative approach to clinical practice, research and advocacy for health and wellbeing that seeks to address the profound health inequity seen in socially excluded individuals, such as people who are homeless, members of the Travelling community and minority groups, people with severe and enduring mental illness, people who inject drugs, refugees, sex workers and prisoners. At present the Inclusion Health team at St James's Hospital work primarily with patients of the hospital who are homeless. Inclusion Health St James's Hospital is a person centred, ACE aware, trauma informed model of integrated care working with patients who are experiencing homelessness and marginality. The inclusion health team work in conjunction with partners in homeless services in the HSE and voluntary services to promote the health and social care needs of the person at an individual and systems level.
Click on the image above to find out more information and for some useful resources