Emergency Medicine Examinations
Post August 2021 exam structure
MRCEM Primary
3 hour exam
180 single best answer questions
mapped to RCEM basic sciences curriculum (June 2020)
MRCEM Intermediate SBA
Two 2 hour examinations
90 single best answer questions in each exam
Mapped onto the RCEM 2021 Emergency Medicine Curriculum
18 stations
7 minutes per station + 1 minute to read instructions
Mapped onto the RCEM 2021 Emergency Medicine Curriculum
All three of the above components must be passed to be awarded membership by examination.
For candidates who started on the pre-August 2021 examination structure see RCEM website for details of which exams will count towards membership by examination.
Single Best Answer Exam
2 papers 2 hours each
90 questions per paper
Clinical paper
Single best answer format
16 stations
8 minutes each
1 minute reading time
Must pass at least one resuscitation station in addition to achieving the pass mark to pass the OSCE
The critical appraisal, management and QIP examinations have been removed from the RCEM examination structure in favour of in-training assessment of these components.
Irish Advanced Specialty Trainees will still have to sit a management exam administered by ICEMT, while the other components will be assessed during training.
For further information on these exams and information regarding eligibility to sit each component please see the examinations section of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s website.
Pre-August 2021 examination structure
Below is the current exam structure for the Royal College of Emergency Medicine examinations. A new curriculum is currently being designed and introduced and along with this will be changes to this exam structure. The current sitting is the final sitting under the below structure.
Check back regularly for up to date information on emergency medicine examinations and keep on eye on RCEM’s examinations page for the most up to date information regarding exams.
FRCEM Primary Exam
Candidates are eligible to sit this exam once registered with the Irish Medical Council (IMC). You can choose to sit this exam in intern year but at least, you should aim to complete this exam by the end of your first year of core specialty training.
3 hour exam
180 single best answer MCQ’s
Mapped to
RCEM 2015 Emergency Medicine Curriculum
RCEM 2010 Basic Sciences Curriculum
FRCEM Intermediate Certificate
Candidates are eligible to sit these exams if they meet the following criteria
Hold a primary medical degree approved by the medical council for purposes of registration and
Have completed their intern year (or UK foundation programme) and
Have passed the FRCEM primary examination.
The intermediate certificate consists of two separate examinations
Short answer question paper (SAQ)
3 hours
60 questions, 3 parts each
Situational Judgement Paper (SJP)
2 hours paper
120 single best answer questions
FRCEM Final Fellowship Examinations
The current final fellowship examinations consist of 4 elements
Critical appraisal paper
Quality improvement project
Clinical short answer question paper (SAQ)
3 hour paper
60 questions, 3 parts each
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
16 stations
8 minutes each
2 resus / trauma stations allocated double time (16 minutes)
1 minute reading time between each station
Candidates are eligible to sit these exams once they have passed the FRCEM primary and intermediate exams and the following element specific criteria;
Critical appraisal - no additional criteria
QIP - must be completed during ASTEM (for trainees) or during EM posts above SHO level (for non trainees)
SAQ & OSCE - must have completed 24 months of ASTEM or for non trainees, must have completed 7 years of training post qualification, 4 years of which must be in emergency medicine, 2 of which must be at registrar level.
Below is a list of useful resources to help with exam preparation