Case 5

A 72 year old man has been referred to ED by his GP with a one day hx of palpitations, SOB and mild dizziness.

He has had intermittent palpitations for the last few weeks but he is more symptomatic today. He denies chest pain.

PMH: T2DM, HTN, Hyperlipidaemia.

SH: 40 pack year smoking history, 28 units of alcohol weekly. Lives with wife, retired.

He is tachycardic but otherwise haemodynamically stable on review.

This is his ECG

Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 11.40.32.png

Question 1

What is your diagnosis based on the presentation and ECG findings?

Question 2 

What are the risk factor for this disease?

Question 3 

 What are the treatment principles in this condition?