Case 2

Case 2

63 year old woman presents to the emergency department with an intermittent severe headache over the last 1 week.

It started 1 week ago on the right hand side and was a dull ache radiating across the right side of her head from her right TMJ area. She saw a dentist who ruled out a dental cause of her pain and the headache resolved after 2 days.

It recurred yesterday and isn’t responding to simple analgesia

Hr - 84, BP - 148/82, Sats - 98%(RA), temp - 36.8, RR - 18

Question 1

What do you think is the likely cause of her headache?

Questions 2

What other causes should you consider in the differential?

Question 3

How would you manage this patient?

Answer questions 1-3 before moving on to view the rest of the content about this case.