Case 2


A 19 year old male is brought in by ambulance to the Emergency Department with a 90 minute history of worsening dyspnoea. He has a history of Asthma since childhood for which he has had 2 previous hospital admissions and takes Symbicort BD and Salbutamol prn.

On arrival of Paramedics to his home, he was unable to complete sentences, his SpO2 was 94% on room air, he was tachypnoeic at 30 breaths/minute and tachycardic at 112 beats/minute. A diffuse expiratory wheeze could be heard. He was commenced on Salbutamol nebulisers continuously until his arrival in ED.

An immediate ABG was performed and the result is shown opposite

Question 1

What is the immediate management of this patient?

Question 2

How is the severity of an Acute Asthma Exacerbation graded?

Question 3

How is the severity of an Acute Asthma Exacerbation graded?

Question 4

What is the ultimate disposition of this patient?