Case 1

A 65 year old man is brought to the ED by ambulance. According to his wife he has been unwell for 3 days. He has been complaining of lethargy, loss of appetite, cough, diarrhoea, generalised aches and pains and feeling hot and cold. This morning he was not rousable. He has been placed on oxygen with the paramedics and has had 1L of Crystalloid en route to hospital.

On arrival to the department he his mottled and clammy to touch. His vitals are as follows;

-       Sats 92% on 15 L via NRM

-       RR 28

-       HR 164 and regular

-       BP 70/40

-       Temp 39.5

-       GCS 6

Question 1

What is this clinical condition called?



 Question 2

What are the Sepsis 6?



 Question 3

What are your treatment priorities for this patient?