Case 3


A 76 year old man attends the Emergency Department with a 3 day history of worsening shortness of breath. He has also noticed a worsening, productive cough with green sputum and was having fevers and chills.

His past medical history includes COPD, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and previous prostate cancer. He is a lifelong smoker and currently smokes 15 cigarettes per day.

On examination, there is an audible wheeze from the bedside, he is tachypnoeic at 28 breaths/minute, tachycardic at 105 beats/minute, SpO2 is 84% on room air.

His arterial blood gas is shown opposite.

Question 1

What are the differential diagnoses for this patient?

Question 2

What does the ABG show?

Question 3

What is your immediate management?

Question 4

What investigations would you perform?